Sunday, June 8, 2008

The STP of Ganymede -- CXF included

Eclipse 3.4 will be released soon at the end of this month, There are several features that I am quite interested:

1. New Ganymede sub project, SOA tool project (STP) includes the CXF Web Service framework, it's really a cool feature.

2. P2, the new update manager, finally Eclipse starts to organize its plugins. :)

3. Refactor methods includes a new "Extract Class".

4. The SVN client is built in as a Eclipse sub project. It seems that we don't need to download the subclipse anymore.

When I began to use Eclipse 2.o, it's in 2003. Now it's 2008, the Eclipse version is only 3.4(soon). It seems that Eclipse version number growing is not so fast. :)

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